I know the file size is huge, I wanted to archive everything losslessly. If that is not for you that’s fine. I know there are more than a couple ways to reduce file size, you’re free to do it.
R3T release looks better than the R2J. However, if you prefer watching the R2J release or Blu-Ray you can use the tracks from here and they should be in sync.
If you are only looking for Netflix English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese subtitles 【 https://nyaa.si/view/1271010 】
@D4C YOU ABSOLUTE MADMAN YOU ACTUALLY DID IT!! This is so beautiful I might cry. Serious respect to you, bro.
Also, I’d like to show some love to my boy @Impakt. His efforts trying to kick in a discussion regarding a high quality Saint Seiya release paid off.
Same love goes for everyone who contributed in making this release possible. It’s true what they say; “true passion never ends”, and it’s cuz of this passion that today we finally have a definitive Saint Seiya release!
If I have to think of a title to give to this torrent It word be’: “Born Anew! A Heroic Legend”. Thank you so so much for this release @D4C, the best ever of Saint Seiya, truly love your efforts for giving us the best way to enjoy this series, a real Saint of Athena right there ??
@_Edge _ I’ll check it out, looks like it stores the files on some university gsuit account.
@SoulBurner Thank you so much! Wait for Hades OVA & movies then I would say its definitive :)
@m199x Actually had me laughing there good one hahaha, hope you enjoy it!
@Impakt No problem brother! Thank you for sharing ADV’s release and all the other stuff you post.
@valoon Sorry about it not including German subs, if you are able to find some on the internet that are not from the netflix version there is a high probability they work right away.
@Rafawell Look at the good side, you skip the moment when the torrent is at it’s slowest lol
@Clemsi Hope you enjoy it! Yes I will do Hades OVAs and the movies after. I have the subs you sent no worries.
@Dalesandro/@mitchevan1 No problem! Thank you!
Remember to check the pastebin at the bottom for mega and don’t forget to seed!
You’re welcome. I also have the R4BR DVDs of Saint Seiya which contain the Brazilian Portuguese dub/sub, so the fans of the BRA version kind of have their own “definitive” release already. If I recall correctly, the PQ is pretty decent on the R4BR DVDs so perfectly serviceable.
I also have the R2ES Saint Seiya so-called “Remastered”, but it looks worse than the unaltered version (they basically removed the grain and called it a remaster). “They” are Selecta Visión.
@Impakt Oh the tale of remastering anime classics. I wonder if they just don’t care or think their consumers won’t know the difference between what looks good and what looks botched. Good to know the R4BR is good at least!
@Osyrum I have no idea what could cause that, no one else seems to have that problem so most likely it’s something on your end. The best solution I could give you is to use the mega links.
@Clemsi The DVDs I know for a fact are optical audio. I could not find anything definitely, but since the original audio was thrown away years ago the only options for the Blu-Ray is the same optical audio. In the intros you can definitely hear the Blu-Rays don’t have (probably not the correct term) that static background noise. I assume Toei tried to make it sound better, but I don’t have any specifics.
@Clemsi For Hades? Zhou mentioned that the Spanish Blu-Rays from Selecta Visión are the best because Toei themselves where the one who gave the masters to Selecta Visión. I tried searching for where that info came and found that in their second volume of Soul of Gold in the extras they mention Toei offered the HD masters, and they accepted the offer right away.
@Seiya82 Try using μTorrent 2.2.1, it is the last good version before that client went downhill. My personal opinion stick to qBT or Transmission, personally qBT has never given me any trouble.
Thank you for sharing.
There is a mistake in episode #106, the audio track #6 says to contain “Spanish (Latin America)” but the audio is in English, and the other tracks have different languages.
@atrahasis It’s all wrong oh god, thank you for pointing it out. Did you watch up until 106? If not I’ll go through and check all episodes just in case any other has a problem.
Sorry, to use the comment section of this torrent for that, but I saw your comment on this Naruto torrent, and I can’t find [JySzE] Shippuden release on Nyaa.
And I would like to know what are your other projects beside Hades OVAs.
Are you gonna make a Naruto or a Bleach release with the same quality of this Saint Seiya release ?
I know it’s a lot of work, but it would be great to have Bleach and Naruto with the same level of quality (best source with differents dubs and subs to satisfy everyone).
You are the only one I know who dit it with Saint Seiya.
@Clemsi Don’t worry about asking here better chance I see it. JySzE hasn’t released his reencodes of Shippuden it’s probably still being worked on considering how long Shippuden is. I’ll ask again if its cool if I rename the chapters for those whenever it’s out.
Other than Saint Seiya’s movies and spinoffs I had considered doing JoJo. I had not considered any other anime because I don’t have space right now on my HDDs (gotta start shuking again I guess), but I’ll keep Naruto & Bleach in mind.
@gazenin Your download is probably finished by now, but there is always at least one seeder so as long as you stay downloading it should finish. Eventually… mega links are there just in case.
And I wonder if you can help me sync Naruto french subs with JySzE Relase : https://nyaa.si/view/1267130#com-116
Apparently, the problem is the framerate…
@Exdata7, he said that he will do the Hades Ovas, yes.
@D4C, there is a limit with Mega if you don’t have a premium account, so I can’t donwload the episodes anymore, and there is no seed with this torrent.
I only need these episodes : 72-73 and the Poseidon arc (100-114).
@D4C, I just found out that some episodes of the Poseidon Arc don’t have the french subs and the jap blu-ray audio well synchronized.
And some lines of the blu-ray french subs have spelling mistakes or don’t have dots at the end of the sentence.
I didn’t check all episodes, so maybe there is more episodes that need to be fixed.
Are you going to do a V2 ?
No, don’t use these subtitles, it’s Zero Absolu fansubs that you already used lol.
I am gonna try to get other official french subs from french dvd or blu-ray without spelling mistakes and with dots at the end of the sentences.
I found french blu-ray subtitles.
Can we talk on Discord or somewhere else, @D4C ?
It’s like I am talking to myself here lol.
Sorry moderators, I can’t edit my comments or delete them after one hour.
They are the same french blu-ray subtitles that you used lol.
I was wrong, there is no spelling mistakes, just no dots at the end of the sentences for the episodes of the poseidon arc.
And I don’t know if the subs or the audio are well synchronized or not with your release, because I converted the videos in another format, so maybe it’s just my conversion that desynchronized the audio or the subs.
I am going to check it out, but I need to download the episodes again…
So I downloaded some episodes of the Poseidon arc and yes, the jap blu-ray audio and the french subtitles are not well synchronized.
There is a few seconds delay…
That’s my last comment here.
If you could respond, that would be nice.
If you are going to do a V2, please let us know.
Hey, great release, the best out there IMO.
Just letting you know that from episodes 41-73 (included) the Spanish audio track is actually Latin America Spanish and not Spain.
Also most of them should be -500ms delayed, but I’m correcting them myself.
I like Saint Seiya ꞉ Knights of the Zodiac E74 Enemies of the northern frontier! The legendary god warriors, I saw that Japanese audio is not Japanese, French is Portuguese.
@Clemsi Sorry for being MIA for so long and leaving you talking alone lol. My discord is on JySzE’s release you can add me. Yes, I will do a v2 (there are many things I believe i can do better plus reduce file size a bit as even though FLAC is great, it’s huge) before going to movies and other spinoffs. All episodes are still on mega, their limit is annoying but it’s the easiest free hosting to download from. If you use jd2 it’s easier. Ohh so that is where the Hades DVD subs came from, it has been so long I could not figure out from where I had gotten those subs. Yes, I have them still thank you a lot for sending. I was trying to find the French DVDs for the audio since I had subs, but couldn’t so I settled for aac. It was so confusing though because I could not remember where the subs had come from.
Hades will be up in a week or less. It is complete even though the French dub is aac and Brazilian Portuguese dub is aac in the last season, just want to check over it again to make sure there are no errors. I’ll start the V2 of this release after that, and upload the BD and DVD I promised months ago.
Nice to have you back D4C, I am sharing these https://nyaa.si/view/1349385 which has just the Japanese audio, since you will soon share The Hades perhaps there is no need for me to do so haha.
@Clemsi No, just saw it. Not sure if they are straight remuxes, there seems to be a comment about the framerate not being constant. I’ll upload the .iso either way after Hades so anyone in doubt can do a remux themselves (and preservation, no good rooting in one hard drive).
@UltimateFighter Thanks! Maybe someone is just looking for those without anything else and gets it from there, you never know.
Those mkvs with constant fps mpeg2 must be converted from the Chyrka / Yurasyk encodes.
They must be I am not sure but they were deinterlaced.
@D4C requested on discord ?
In case anyone comes for an update on Hades, I found the French DVD audio for Sanctuary untouched, took a couple days to see if I could find the rest but no luck so I give up on that for now. Currently uploading them to Mega, torrent will be up when ddl links are ready.
@Rafawell Interesting, still have to upload those somewhere else. Didn’t see any request on discord, you can send it again if you want.
I am here a bit by chance looking at the various torrents.
I tried to get HD rips of Saint Seiya (BD-rip i suppose) some time ago and found the quality was the worst “remastering” i have ever seen (well for an anime).
Were they upscaled SD or supposed to be from a new scan ? Has the studio commented about this, or some japanese media/forum ?
The thing with japanese customers is that they don’t have the cuture of “critisizing” maybe (?)
Look at Akira 4K, it has actually less details than the old transfert… GITS 4K also has some filtering i just can’t stand (but i think this one will look fine for many).
Currently downloading this torrent but will need a new hard drive ;)
@crmb You got the ones from Kagura? I believe those are the best raws for the BD. The quality for most anime remasters is shitty because of how lazy and cheap some studios try to be. To make it short the gist of it is, most studios prefer to use their old scans of the film, upscale them, use shitty Digital Noise Reduction techniques, and call it a day. Toei has not said anything about it that I know, but don’t expect them to care at all. Look how fast they dropped the level sets for Dragon Ball Z when they didn’t meet sales expectations, and how they have treated their most popular series ever since. It’s not that Japanese customers don’t have a culture of criticizing imo rather most people in the world know nothing about video other than resolution, and as long as the video says 1080p they are happy with it. So until a revolutionary new cheap technique to remaster old anime comes out that prompts studios to re-release their old stuff again this is probably the best version of Saint Seiya we will get. For Akira do you mean the HDR 4K Bluray? It’s the only version of Akira that I have seen to be honest, and don’t murder me but I have never seen GITS.
@Densetsu Yes, thanks for letting me know they are down.
@Densetsu Files are up, but pastebin is being a bitch. I’ll update the links as soon as that is sorted.
@Clemsi Not currently, I have been wanting to do some other series and I’ve still got the movies and spin-offs to do. I’ve kept putting the V2 off. On top of that a lot of the DVDs I used I have since deleted from my drive and some of those torrents have no seeders now. Since this version doesn’t have anything wrong other than being a little bloaty because of FLAC audio, there wouldn’t be any improvement between this and a V2. I really only could make that better, other than that this release is good.
Here is an album (https://slow.pics/c/giUp4mhc) that compares the R2J and R3T. To me the R3T looks better, R2J looks blurrier. But If someone thinks the R2J is better feel free to say why.
So in case you’re looking to improve this. The English subtitles from [D-YFI] ([ZA]) are more accurate to the Jap dub. It also contains line-breaks which I personally think is the better way to enjoy subtitles. (Though allegedly these subs get worse as the episodes go on so I can understand not wanting to include them) I can’t vouch for the Netflix subs other than that they don’t have line-breaks.
Comments - 82
R3T? What’s that region convention, Taiwan?
D4C (uploader)
@ScreenRant Yes, Region 3 Taiwan.
D4C (uploader)
@Glordit Sorry for the wait, enjoy!
D4C (uploader)
@Clipsos No problem :)
can we get a ddl of drive ?
really thank you @D4C, do you have the movies too? :3
D4C (uploader)
@_ Edge _ Check the pastebin at the bottom, please reseed if possible. Gdrive is about 15gb per account and each account is a hassle to make sorry.
@Jochu No problem, hope you enjoy! I’ll do the movies after the Hades OVA, should start those today or tomorrow.
@D4c use teamdrive and share files via Goindex like mine
@D4C YOU ABSOLUTE MADMAN YOU ACTUALLY DID IT!! This is so beautiful I might cry. Serious respect to you, bro.
Also, I’d like to show some love to my boy @Impakt. His efforts trying to kick in a discussion regarding a high quality Saint Seiya release paid off.
Same love goes for everyone who contributed in making this release possible. It’s true what they say; “true passion never ends”, and it’s cuz of this passion that today we finally have a definitive Saint Seiya release!
May the cosmo always be with you!
If I have to think of a title to give to this torrent It word be’: “Born Anew! A Heroic Legend”. Thank you so so much for this release @D4C, the best ever of Saint Seiya, truly love your efforts for giving us the best way to enjoy this series, a real Saint of Athena right there ??
Thank you so much! It’s finally here. ?
Pretty nice, thanks for this!
Guess I will add the German Subs, someday…
Magnificent!!! Thanks D4C?
Now I just have to buy an HDD?
@D4C, Thank you so much ! Now I can watch Saint Seiya in amazing quality with french subs !
Are you going to upload Hades OVAs here too ? I remember giving you a link for the french subs.
That’s some colossal amount of effort, thanks for sharing!!
Dude this is fucking amazing you truly are a saint.
D4C (uploader)
@_Edge _ I’ll check it out, looks like it stores the files on some university gsuit account.
@SoulBurner Thank you so much! Wait for Hades OVA & movies then I would say its definitive :)
@m199x Actually had me laughing there good one hahaha, hope you enjoy it!
@Impakt No problem brother! Thank you for sharing ADV’s release and all the other stuff you post.
@valoon Sorry about it not including German subs, if you are able to find some on the internet that are not from the netflix version there is a high probability they work right away.
@Rafawell Look at the good side, you skip the moment when the torrent is at it’s slowest lol
@Clemsi Hope you enjoy it! Yes I will do Hades OVAs and the movies after. I have the subs you sent no worries.
@Dalesandro/@mitchevan1 No problem! Thank you!
Remember to check the pastebin at the bottom for mega and don’t forget to seed!
@ D4C
You’re welcome. I also have the R4BR DVDs of Saint Seiya which contain the Brazilian Portuguese dub/sub, so the fans of the BRA version kind of have their own “definitive” release already. If I recall correctly, the PQ is pretty decent on the R4BR DVDs so perfectly serviceable.
I also have the R2ES Saint Seiya so-called “Remastered”, but it looks worse than the unaltered version (they basically removed the grain and called it a remaster). “They” are Selecta Visión.
I can’t download this torrent, always give me a error to add. I try with magnet but not started. “download metadata”
D4C (uploader)
@Impakt Oh the tale of remastering anime classics. I wonder if they just don’t care or think their consumers won’t know the difference between what looks good and what looks botched. Good to know the R4BR is good at least!
@Osyrum I have no idea what could cause that, no one else seems to have that problem so most likely it’s something on your end. The best solution I could give you is to use the mega links.
@D4C So I managed to find and download the Region 3 Taiwan ISOs but can you check these screenshots https://imgur.com/a/lxpUf8b and confirm ?
D4C (uploader)
@UltimateFighter Yes, those are the right ones.
@D4C Appreciated
@D4C, What’s the differences between the Japanese blu-ray audio and the R3T audio ?
The blu-ray audio sounds better or is it just me ?
D4C (uploader)
@Clemsi The DVDs I know for a fact are optical audio. I could not find anything definitely, but since the original audio was thrown away years ago the only options for the Blu-Ray is the same optical audio. In the intros you can definitely hear the Blu-Rays don’t have (probably not the correct term) that static background noise. I assume Toei tried to make it sound better, but I don’t have any specifics.
Ok ! Thanks ! I can’t wait for your Hades OVAs release !
What is the better source for this arc ?
@Osyrum I had the same problem, but I switched from utorrent to qBittorrent and the problem was solved.
Thanks for the upload!
D4C (uploader)
@Clemsi For Hades? Zhou mentioned that the Spanish Blu-Rays from Selecta Visión are the best because Toei themselves where the one who gave the masters to Selecta Visión. I tried searching for where that info came and found that in their second volume of Soul of Gold in the extras they mention Toei offered the HD masters, and they accepted the offer right away.
@Seiya82 Try using μTorrent 2.2.1, it is the last good version before that client went downhill. My personal opinion stick to qBT or Transmission, personally qBT has never given me any trouble.
@D4C Thank you for the comment :) I’m very happy with qBT, it feels very light and fast so I´ll stick with this client :D
Thanks again for your help and this amazing project, keep up the good work!
Thank you for sharing.
There is a mistake in episode #106, the audio track #6 says to contain “Spanish (Latin America)” but the audio is in English, and the other tracks have different languages.
D4C (uploader)
@atrahasis It’s all wrong oh god, thank you for pointing it out. Did you watch up until 106? If not I’ll go through and check all episodes just in case any other has a problem.
And here I was thinking somehow I managed to not make any mistake. Here is the fixed version
【 https://mega.nz/file/v80AzaTa#ToImOkwip5v-uEKjD8oHuIVx6r86iLU-4FjUAnUmZeU 】
It’s also in the mega folder with the rest of the episodes.
Thanks for correcting it, the problem is similar in episodes with the size of 1.8G, which are: 95, 96 and 106(fixed).
Hi @D4C !
Sorry, to use the comment section of this torrent for that, but I saw your comment on this Naruto torrent, and I can’t find [JySzE] Shippuden release on Nyaa.
And I would like to know what are your other projects beside Hades OVAs.
Are you gonna make a Naruto or a Bleach release with the same quality of this Saint Seiya release ?
I know it’s a lot of work, but it would be great to have Bleach and Naruto with the same level of quality (best source with differents dubs and subs to satisfy everyone).
You are the only one I know who dit it with Saint Seiya.
Hello! SEED, please!
I have 99,8%, SEED please!
Thank you very much!
D4C (uploader)
@atrahasis Here are the rest of the episodes fixed, sorry for taking so long haven’t had to time for shit this last weeks.
@Clemsi Don’t worry about asking here better chance I see it. JySzE hasn’t released his reencodes of Shippuden it’s probably still being worked on considering how long Shippuden is. I’ll ask again if its cool if I rename the chapters for those whenever it’s out.
Other than Saint Seiya’s movies and spinoffs I had considered doing JoJo. I had not considered any other anime because I don’t have space right now on my HDDs (gotta start shuking again I guess), but I’ll keep Naruto & Bleach in mind.
@gazenin Your download is probably finished by now, but there is always at least one seeder so as long as you stay downloading it should finish. Eventually… mega links are there just in case.
All episodes are on Mega, @D4C ?
Because everytime I try to download this, there is no seed lol.
And I wonder if you can help me sync Naruto french subs with JySzE Relase : https://nyaa.si/view/1267130#com-116
Apparently, the problem is the framerate…
Are you gonna do the Hades Ovas and the movies someday?
@Exdata7, he said that he will do the Hades Ovas, yes.
@D4C, there is a limit with Mega if you don’t have a premium account, so I can’t donwload the episodes anymore, and there is no seed with this torrent.
I only need these episodes : 72-73 and the Poseidon arc (100-114).
Is there any other way to get them ?
I found a way to bypass Mega download limit !
@D4C, when are you gonna upload Hades Ovas ?
Do you have the french subtitles that I gave you ?
I can post the link here if you want…
@D4C, I just found out that some episodes of the Poseidon Arc don’t have the french subs and the jap blu-ray audio well synchronized.
And some lines of the blu-ray french subs have spelling mistakes or don’t have dots at the end of the sentence.
I didn’t check all episodes, so maybe there is more episodes that need to be fixed.
Are you going to do a V2 ?
If you are going to do a V2, you can use these french subtitles : https://subscene.com/subtitles/saint-seiya-all-series/french/1393187
No, don’t use these subtitles, it’s Zero Absolu fansubs that you already used lol.
I am gonna try to get other official french subs from french dvd or blu-ray without spelling mistakes and with dots at the end of the sentences.
I found french blu-ray subtitles.
Can we talk on Discord or somewhere else, @D4C ?
It’s like I am talking to myself here lol.
Sorry moderators, I can’t edit my comments or delete them after one hour.
They are the same french blu-ray subtitles that you used lol.
I was wrong, there is no spelling mistakes, just no dots at the end of the sentences for the episodes of the poseidon arc.
And I don’t know if the subs or the audio are well synchronized or not with your release, because I converted the videos in another format, so maybe it’s just my conversion that desynchronized the audio or the subs.
I am going to check it out, but I need to download the episodes again…
So I downloaded some episodes of the Poseidon arc and yes, the jap blu-ray audio and the french subtitles are not well synchronized.
There is a few seconds delay…
That’s my last comment here.
If you could respond, that would be nice.
If you are going to do a V2, please let us know.
Hey, great release, the best out there IMO.
Just letting you know that from episodes 41-73 (included) the Spanish audio track is actually Latin America Spanish and not Spain.
Also most of them should be -500ms delayed, but I’m correcting them myself.
@Dogway, -500ms delayed with the Spanish audio track or with all audio tracks ?
Just checked with the Spanish track, occasionally its -1000ms.
E74 audios are named wrong.
I like Saint Seiya ꞉ Knights of the Zodiac E74 Enemies of the northern frontier! The legendary god warriors, I saw that Japanese audio is not Japanese, French is Portuguese.
Are you going to do a V2, @D4C ?
Maybe someone else is going to do it…
R2J DVD are good, too.
But I can’t find a good encode with grain of R2J DVD…
D4C (uploader)
@Clemsi Sorry for being MIA for so long and leaving you talking alone lol. My discord is on JySzE’s release you can add me. Yes, I will do a v2 (there are many things I believe i can do better plus reduce file size a bit as even though FLAC is great, it’s huge) before going to movies and other spinoffs. All episodes are still on mega, their limit is annoying but it’s the easiest free hosting to download from. If you use jd2 it’s easier. Ohh so that is where the Hades DVD subs came from, it has been so long I could not figure out from where I had gotten those subs. Yes, I have them still thank you a lot for sending. I was trying to find the French DVDs for the audio since I had subs, but couldn’t so I settled for aac. It was so confusing though because I could not remember where the subs had come from.
Hades will be up in a week or less. It is complete even though the French dub is aac and Brazilian Portuguese dub is aac in the last season, just want to check over it again to make sure there are no errors. I’ll start the V2 of this release after that, and upload the BD and DVD I promised months ago.
It’s ok, I understand that you have a life outside the internet.
Thank you for you answer.
I can’t wait for your V2 !
Did you see this release ?
Nice to have you back D4C, I am sharing these https://nyaa.si/view/1349385 which has just the Japanese audio, since you will soon share The Hades perhaps there is no need for me to do so haha.
D4C (uploader)
@Clemsi No, just saw it. Not sure if they are straight remuxes, there seems to be a comment about the framerate not being constant. I’ll upload the .iso either way after Hades so anyone in doubt can do a remux themselves (and preservation, no good rooting in one hard drive).
@UltimateFighter Thanks! Maybe someone is just looking for those without anything else and gets it from there, you never know.
Those mkvs with constant fps mpeg2 must be converted from the Chyrka / Yurasyk encodes.
They must be I am not sure but they were deinterlaced.
@D4C requested on discord ?
D4C (uploader)
In case anyone comes for an update on Hades, I found the French DVD audio for Sanctuary untouched, took a couple days to see if I could find the rest but no luck so I give up on that for now. Currently uploading them to Mega, torrent will be up when ddl links are ready.
@Rafawell Interesting, still have to upload those somewhere else. Didn’t see any request on discord, you can send it again if you want.
I am here a bit by chance looking at the various torrents.
I tried to get HD rips of Saint Seiya (BD-rip i suppose) some time ago and found the quality was the worst “remastering” i have ever seen (well for an anime).
Were they upscaled SD or supposed to be from a new scan ? Has the studio commented about this, or some japanese media/forum ?
The thing with japanese customers is that they don’t have the cuture of “critisizing” maybe (?)
Look at Akira 4K, it has actually less details than the old transfert… GITS 4K also has some filtering i just can’t stand (but i think this one will look fine for many).
Currently downloading this torrent but will need a new hard drive ;)
@D4C Can u Re-upload Eps 1-92 from MEGA ?
D4C (uploader)
@crmb You got the ones from Kagura? I believe those are the best raws for the BD. The quality for most anime remasters is shitty because of how lazy and cheap some studios try to be. To make it short the gist of it is, most studios prefer to use their old scans of the film, upscale them, use shitty Digital Noise Reduction techniques, and call it a day. Toei has not said anything about it that I know, but don’t expect them to care at all. Look how fast they dropped the level sets for Dragon Ball Z when they didn’t meet sales expectations, and how they have treated their most popular series ever since. It’s not that Japanese customers don’t have a culture of criticizing imo rather most people in the world know nothing about video other than resolution, and as long as the video says 1080p they are happy with it. So until a revolutionary new cheap technique to remaster old anime comes out that prompts studios to re-release their old stuff again this is probably the best version of Saint Seiya we will get. For Akira do you mean the HDR 4K Bluray? It’s the only version of Akira that I have seen to be honest, and don’t murder me but I have never seen GITS.
@Densetsu Yes, thanks for letting me know they are down.
@D4C Then please reupload :)
Hi @D4C !
Are you making progress with V2 ?
Compare Beetwen R3T and R2J
Which is the better version for you, @Densetsu ?
And from what release did you take that R2J screenshot ?
Thank you so much!
This is some SAINTLY work! <3
D4C (uploader)
@Densetsu Files are up, but pastebin is being a bitch. I’ll update the links as soon as that is sorted.
@Clemsi Not currently, I have been wanting to do some other series and I’ve still got the movies and spin-offs to do. I’ve kept putting the V2 off. On top of that a lot of the DVDs I used I have since deleted from my drive and some of those torrents have no seeders now. Since this version doesn’t have anything wrong other than being a little bloaty because of FLAC audio, there wouldn’t be any improvement between this and a V2. I really only could make that better, other than that this release is good.
Here is an album (https://slow.pics/c/giUp4mhc) that compares the R2J and R3T. To me the R3T looks better, R2J looks blurrier. But If someone thinks the R2J is better feel free to say why.
@Blue-Crescent I see what you did there, enjoy!
seed, please
Thanks! I wait for the movies… :D
@D4C, good evening, do you have this release to share? https://nyaa.si/view/615560
I’m trying to download but it’s not seeded. :(
So in case you’re looking to improve this. The English subtitles from [D-YFI] ([ZA]) are more accurate to the Jap dub. It also contains line-breaks which I personally think is the better way to enjoy subtitles. (Though allegedly these subs get worse as the episodes go on so I can understand not wanting to include them) I can’t vouch for the Netflix subs other than that they don’t have line-breaks.
The english dub goes out of sync after the eye catches sometimes. hopefully that can be fixed with the v2
Hi @D4C !
Are you going to release a V2 ?
@Rafawell Do you know where to get the Chyrka/Yurasyk release?
this torrent tells me error, i can’t start the download ;(
@d4c how do i use the pastebin links?
You mean zerobin links ?
Use Base64Decode.
@D4C, are you going to release a V2 ?
I forgot what’s wrong with this release anyway lol.
@Clemsi thanks bud, i appreciate it
Hola, alguien puede compartir la los archivos v2, es que los enlaces ya no están disponibles, gracias.