Maple Town, also known as Maple Town Stories (Japanese: メイプルタウン物語, Hepburn: Meipuru Taun Monogatari), is a 1986 Japanese slice of life anime series created by Chifude Asakura and directed by Junichi Sato. The series, animated by Toei Animation, consists of 52 half-hour episodes, which aired on TV Asahi in Japan from January 19, 1986 to January 11, 1987.
The show focuses on the adventures of Patty Rabbit, Bobby Bear and their families, in a small utopian anthropomorphic city named Maple Town. The series was followed by a 50-episode sequel, New Maple Town Stories: Palm Town Chapter, which retained only Patty Rabbit (and her voice actor, Maya Okamoto) from both series, although Maple Town's citizens made cameos from time to time. To date, this has not had an official English release.
The show was dubbed into English and syndicated in the United States in 1987.The program spawned collectable figurines with changeable clothing, as well as houses, furniture and vehicles. Tonka was the US licensee and manufacturer.
VHS compilations of Maple Town appeared in North America, Europe and Japan during the late 1980s and early 1990s. As of 2013, official DVDs of the show had surfaced in Japan, Spain and Hungary, with no release plans announced for other territories.
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