Second reupload of the project. Turned out that couple of games got corrupted, now everything should be working properly.
As with previous reupload - just rehash your files.
Nintendo 3DS UnDUB Project 1.3
collected by ggl0l
Well, it was about four years since previous 1.2 release, I got lazy
and was able to push myself to update the project only recently.
3DS been practically dead for a couple of years so it’s probably last
update for the project. Because of that I’ve decided to include some
questionable or incomplete undubs because they probably won’t be finished.
Such undubs are marked with ‘READNFO’.
-- Description --
This is a collection of every known Nintendo 3DS undub to date.
Every game in this pack was tested by me on EUR console with rxTools
or Luma. Only exception is Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, I can’t test it
because it requires New 3DS. Every game is Region Free, if not stated
otherwise in game nfo file. Everything that hasn’t had a proper release
by it’s author has been recompressed and properly sfv’d and nfo’d where
applicable. If you find an undub that is not in this collection, or
better versions of undubs already in this project please feel free to
PM me, or try to poke uploader if it was uploaded by someone else.
Also, we’ve made a Discord server for people who appreciate undubs,
you can find me there too
-- Attention --
If case you encounter some errors trying to run some game, it might be
that you trying to run out-of-region game (e.g. your console is EUR region
and you trying to run USA region game. In that case try to use homebrew that
is included in the project and located at #Tools\LumaLocaleRegionAutoSetter
instructions on how to use it can be found in info.txt
-- Thanks --
Hale, Lain_13, nks for their PS2 and PSP UnDUB Projects, they gave
me inspiration to start this project.
Undubbers, whose works are represented here: Homuhomu, Canzah,
HiD (a.k.a. HidK), AskedForThis, daisy123, Gohan D. Geo, Gun-Nut,
Kaijuchan, Kurenai20, MacaroniTurtle, Pottty, redunka, scran,
taha1990, Swosho - thank you very much for your hard work.
Undubbers, who have made an invaluable contribution to the
overall development of undubbing movement: somebody special
(a.k.a. Fluffy Kitty and asmodean), Netqork, Fei (a.k.a. SlayerOfGod),
Mugi, Bakke, Sephizack, Gracek, oroboro and all other undubbers out
there - thank you so much, your deeds will never be forgotten.
Shout-out to OldClassicGamer for pointing me to new undubs I would
otherwise have missed in 1.3 update.
-- Changelog --
== version 1.3 June 2020 ==
–>Added DLCs
== version 1.2 Nov 2016 ==
Project structure completely redone, now everything properly
compressed, sfv’d and nfo’d (where applicable).
Conception II Children of the Seven Stars USA (v2 by Homuhomu)
Conception II Children of the Seven Stars USA (by taha1990)
^Both versions trumped by new one with subbed videos
Fire Emblem Fates Special Edition USA (v3)
^Trumped by EUR Multi5 with restoration patch
Lord of Magna Maiden Heaven (by DJPlayer)
Tales of the Abyss USA (v2 by Homuhomu)
^Trumped by new one with subbed videos
Xenoblade Chronicles 3D USA (by Kaijuchan)
^Trumped by EUR Multi version
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker USA (by Canzah)–>
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor Overclocked USA (by Canzah)–>
Shin Megami Tensei IV USA (v0.9 by Canzah)–>
== version 1.1 Mar 2016 ==
Final Fantasy Explorers USA (by Homuhomu)
Fire Emblem Fates Special Edition USA
LBX Little Battlers eXperience USA (by daisy123)
Liberation Maiden EUR (by Homuhomu)
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy USA (by Homuhomu)
Stella Glow USA (by MacaroniTurtle)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3D USA (by Kaijuchan)
Yo-Kai Watch USA (by Kurenai20)
== version 1.0 Oct 2015 ==
Initial release
Please stop ruining your games with such horrible english dubs!
We are forced to go to extremes because you are making the games
we love unplayable!
Consider multi-language or special-edition releases with the
original high quality Japanese voices.
- Thanks for reading, ggl0l (a.k.a. MeatWad)
Comments - 4
Thank you for fixing this :)
Archive this for years to come!
Vita and Wii Undub games would be godly someday!
Thank You!!
I already have some of these but a collection like that is really helpful
Edit: I see that the NFOs are actually useful, there’s a mention of the lack of subs with Etrian Odyssey which was the only downside for me. Nevertheless if you have a high enough weeb level you should get the general idea of what they’re saying.
I finally made an account and can tell you how thankful I am for these ubdub projects. They save me a massive amount of work hunting each down individually or perhaps even having to patch them myself afterwards, plus I often see things I didn’t even realize had an undub. You do your part to help make games playable again and it’s awesome <3
Thanks. Any new undubs after almost 3 years?