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天使动漫 nnex46 自购[FLAC]下载
新番动漫在线观看 http://www.tldm.net
新浪动漫音乐微博 http://weibo.com/dmmusic
Comments - 5
For those that may not know the mp3 tags on this has it crediting Nobuo Uematsu lots of time who did NOT do the majority of arranged composition in this game…
Also it’s got stupid replaygain embedded on it. What music program does not have that as one of it’s features? Don’t need to embed that on the damn file itself sheesh. smh.
Any plans on uploading the 8th disc(Jukebox?)
I do agree that Uematsu has little to do with the composition of the game, due to his health concerns and all.
Also, how do you check and see if music files has this embedded? I’m kinda curious on how each music file works now.
Jukebox is on squid-board
EAC seems to do it.
Please request the download links of “[20190925] Disney Koe no Ouji-sama Voice Stars Dream Selection 2 (with lyrics booklet)” and “[20191122] Disney Koe no Ouji-sama Voice Stars Dream Live 2019 [Bonus CD] (with photo booklet and lyrics booklet)” on the mp-3 and FLAC files, thanks so much.
@SomaHeir I mainly use a program called dbpoweramp (which isn’t free) since I also check out if any music information was tagged. It also has other features https://www.dbpoweramp.com/. If you or anybody else is interested: https://www54.zippyshare.com/v/3CNoJE9G/file.html
It’s out of date but I prefer it over the newer gui’s plus it’s overall better. You can open 2 tag windows of the same file, use one to clear out any data while edit the other one and it’ll write all of the information to the music file. The newer gui’s don’t do that at least from version 16 and up. I haven’t bothered upgrading in years tho.
There’s a free one I believe called mp3tag
You can also use a program called MediaInfo there’s a portable version too. Run it once and it should be ready to go when you right-click on your mouse. Can also use it to view video information. You can’t edit just view. Depending what output format layout you’ve chosen (I use HTML) it should be located near the end.
What replaygain is http://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Replaygain
Programs like foobar has this feature to be on either the entire album or single files making embedding this no longer necessary.