After that, my torrents with no seeds will be “Seeded by Request” You can contact me on discord for that if necessary. That also means It’s high unlikely that I will be releasing, or fixing any more torrents for the time being. I’ve been seeding all my torrents pretty consistently over these past 3 years, so I think I’ve done pretty well compared to the average releaser. If anything ever changes this announcement will be updated.
Last modified September 18, 2023
The source files used to create this release have been deleted. Any changes can no longer be made.
Aria the Scarlet Ammo AA>
Source (28GiB)
Mediainfo of the smallest file
(Commentary track settings the same as the Japanese)
HandBrake Settings & Screenshots
I’m not taking requests; I’m shrinking these for my own collection, but I’ve decided to upload them.
Comments - 8
Thank You VERY much for sharing this!
I already have Cleo’s release for AA but had a 720p release of Daman for this one. Will replace it with yours since I don’t like to keep 720p-1080p combinations if I can help it. It’s either 720p-720p OR 1080p-1080p. Thanks for the release, I’m grabbing it.
Simplistic (uploader)
I guess people do watch this show ?
@Simplistic You’d be surprised what a lockdown can make you watch. I’m watching shows I never thought I’d watch.
Simplistic (uploader)
fair enough
@Simplistic can you upload your isekai’s genre
I had very low expectations when I watched this show but even then I thought it was garbage. I watched this out of sheer boredom but heed my advice and do NOT waste your time, it’s THAT bad.
They crammed too many plot points that never get explained. Who the f*ck is EU? And is his brother really still alive? Who the hell is her mother really and why on earth has she been framed by every villain on a planet like a scapegoat-for-hire?
And I-for-one absolutely sick with the overused trope of the violent highschool girl that looks like a 10 years old. Seriously, I wish that trope would just die out already.
Simplistic (uploader)