After that, my torrents with no seeds will be “Seeded by Request” You can contact me on discord for that if necessary. That also means It’s high unlikely that I will be releasing, or fixing any more torrents for the time being. I’ve been seeding all my torrents pretty consistently over these past 3 years, so I think I’ve done pretty well compared to the average releaser. If anything ever changes this announcement will be updated.
Last modified September 18, 2023
The source files used to create this release have been deleted. Any changes can no longer be made.
Since the source doesn’t include any information, I also included mediainfo of the source. (ran it through mkvtoolnix to generate metadata)
Source (43GiB)
Mediainfo of the source
Mediainfo of the smallest file
HandBrake Settings & Screenshots
I’m not taking requests; I’m shrinking these for my own collection, but I’ve decided to upload them.
Comments - 14
@Simplistic Thanks, I can’t understand why in certain series you can keep the size of 14Gb and in others you go up a lot, I understand that you like quality but you can’t keep the quality of the video in a decent size?
Simplistic (uploader)
@radydragoon the short answer is I don’t really pick the file size the encoder does. These settings are optimized to preserve grain, if I used the other settings (the ones without limit-sao) the file size would probably drop about 5GiB. Considering it takes anywhere from 24-30 hours per anime, I didn’t want to risk making the grain look worse than it already does. With the possibility of having to redo it. on an unrelated note for x265 my quality standards are 250-500 for slice of life shows and 500-1000 for action/dark shows it just depends what the encoder spits out so far I’ve saved 215GiB of space
@Simplistic Practically you when you use encoders, you keep the quality almost the original right?
Because High School of the Dead I thought that more or less 500Mb per episode came out but when i saw it seize it’s too big and i download the Prof one (for me there is no different when i play it on my monitor)
I have some questions to ask you, how come you encod directly from the Original Bluray instead of taking it from others who have already done it and then you do it again?
besides the series, are you going to put some anime movies too?
is it possible to have a full list just to know if you already have one?
god eater it’s missing the episode 00 do you know if you will put it?
Simplistic (uploader)
1: the settings I use are almost the original quality
2. I agree that my high school of the dead could be smaller I realized this after i made parayste (because of the higher filesize mine will retain more quality in the dark areas/fast action scenes but you can’t tell while playing it anyway)
3. I don’t encode from the bluray that’s mostly what prof does i just shrink existing sources down to my liking (if you click the source links you would see this)
4. all the stuff I’m uploading is stuff is what i downloaded for myself and thought would benefit others and there’s no anime movies that i want
5. if you click my username you can see everything I’ve uploaded
6. the source doesnt have it so neither does mine
@Simplistic I understand mostly you do it for personal reasons.
Even if I repeat according to encode directly from Bluray it will always make the difference but this is my personal opinion of course.
Simplistic (uploader)
Making my own versions would most likely improve quality slightly because its only being encoded once instead of 2x meaning less generation loss but the difference wouldn’t matter much at the end of the day since I make middle ground releases not super high quality
"Generation loss is the loss of quality between subsequent copies or transcodes of data. Anything that reduces the quality of the representation when copying, and would cause further reduction in quality on making a copy of the copy, can be considered a form of generation loss. File size increases are a common result of generation loss, as the introduction of artifacts may actually increase the entropy of the data through each generation."
@Simplistic epi 3 need to be fixed, the subs have some problem
Simplistic (uploader)
@radydragoon where is the issue and what is it
if its a problem with the source I probably can’t fix it
@Simplistic practically the subtitles appear only a few times and not in the whole episode (they should be removed and put back) only in ep 3
Simplistic (uploader)
huh interesting using mpv i cant spot any problems
opus 190 what a guy. every casual 10bit release could just swtich to opus and let aac/ac3 die.
Simplistic (uploader)
Well, AAC does have more broad support, but otherwise, yeah.