Father and daughter continue their journey to the Edgelands in search of humans. A chance encounter with another mixed-species family, an evening of baking in a Woodpeckers’ cabin, a reunion in Chompers’ Row, the village of tooth and fang specialists… each step of their adventure brings Somari and Golem closer to their goal.
The company make their way to the lawless town of Arishikka, where Shizuku confirms Somari’s true identity and questions why a Golem would be traveling with a human in tow. What came next was the story of father and daughter’s first encounter…
In search of clues in the outer edges of the land, the four travel to the Cauldron, home of the famous black market auctions. Curios, trinkets, odds and ends – and a certain book lying among the riches and curiosities on display. Known as Haraiso’s Account, the tome was stolen from the witches long ago…
Format: cbz
Comments - 5
Thank you so much!
If possible can you please do this one
Thank You Very Much
v01: Nyaa
v02: Nyaa
v03: Nyaa
thank you :-)
Great work!!!
ddl: https://archive.org/details/somali-and-the-forest-spirit