NHKスペシャル 体感 首都直下地震「DAY1 あなたを襲う震度7の衝撃」
2019年12月2日(月) 午後7:30~午後8:45(75分)
Comments - 7
theoadam (uploader)
When I saw the encoded version, I thought something was wrong. So, the top and the bottom were cropped. I needed to use a different encoding software to get the correct ratio, that’s why the size is much bigger than I usually upload.
I deleted the cropped version.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I’ll upload the DAY 2 after this is well seeded.
Increase the resolution of the video you are uploading. or upload 720 with 480.
well, I don’t mind the resolution of the video, as long as watchable, so keep as usual & keep up the good work. thanks for all your share.
input (just my opinion) = this file only have bigger bitrate, but not increase the quality of video, so I prefer the small size (previous upload) with better value (balance size & quality)
theoadam (uploader)
Please refresh your memory of my post on 2019-03-26
I always aim for a small size.
If you want higher resolution, please find different sources to obtain files.
Nobody is forcing anyone to download my files.
theoadam (uploader)
As I wrote above, I always aim for files with a small size. But for some reason, I can’t encode the raw files of this series, NHKスペシャル 体感 首都直下地震, with small size.
When I encode the raw files with the small size, it ends up with cropped files.
Please be assured that when this series is done, you are going to see my regular size (small size) files.
Thank you for the sharing,
It’s any possible you have the japanese sub?
theoadam (uploader)
Sorry, I don’t have any Japanese subs.