Forest of Piano (Piano no Mori) Omnibus v01-10 (Digital) (danke-Empire)

2019-09-18 13:26 UTC
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7.4 GiB
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[Meiyo]( pointed out that these hadn't been uploaded to Nyaa so here you go. Ripped by [danke]( **Manga Title:** [Forest of Piano]( **Manga Author:** [Makoto Isshiki]( **Managa Artist:** [Makoto Isshiki]( **Release Status:** Finished **(Not yet fully released in English)** **Manga Synopsis:** This is a story about a piano, pitifully abandoned in the woods, and a young boy, Kai, who grew up playing it as his favorite toy. While Kai cannot even read sheet music, one day, he meets Shuhei Amamiya, an aspiring child pianist who transfers schools from Tokyo, and their music teacher, Sosuke Ajino. Ajino was also once a gifted pianist, until a tragic accident stole his promising future from him forever. Each from a different background, the trio's personalities gravitate to one another and rebound. All the while, the piano sits patiently, awaiting a hand to play it. **Direct Download:** Forest of Piano Omnibus v01 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire)!5BMm3KLS!ftvOHIsmAIRIWIVdmC8N9Y8oYoqENjlzA6-JH4Y0ymI Forest of Piano Omnibus v02 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire)!UccEiI4L!IlR-VtGKnzSfbQkxzXN6iDA0XLrH5D0iPgbxxe8EOwA Forest of Piano Omnibus v03 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire)!ocFgwKJL!FQm3YuDXSA97Om1GKSFbAfrmZE_4CMfoRKlRvlQk_Nc Forest of Piano Omnibus v04 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire)!4ZMzTaaY!AA1Ro362Jw4W7CxxuELbHRUM_HlVZ7z8mCstz0ySQPU Forest of Piano Omnibus v05 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire)!eywkCarT!dedvmeOt0HjxTDCP2QHDgmiGt-o58hgyKYyqWUyY7C8 Forest of Piano Omnibus v06 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire)!jywCgYwa!4ZuJGXc2PL8CagmIB5e-oNk4u8wG0AuQcp-LGI3JZzg Forest of Piano Omnibus v07 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire)!qmpmCayC!Xttb8lcO7KtZfqht8rkte0913KkZLQ1hcuVFLNsnQAM Forest of Piano Omnibus v08 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire)!GiZwEAgT!LartM2Q8TYUg-OPtGoOoiUFJp5C3tYIzsaRi511yeY4 Forest of Piano Omnibus v09 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire)!b6B1WIpZ!qM-BMCVZ4tI10yMtP1Oy58Thc0PuQLXRHxbkJ_pzFog Forest of Piano Omnibus v10 (2019) (Digital) (danke-Empire)!KqAlnYqC!ZYIaVCFwb6qev7neNaGuHQLm6dG1RXECC2gtXIH-9j0 **If you want to track the release status of digital manga rips I have this [sheet]( that tracks a few series if that is helpful to anyone.**

File list

  • Forest of Piano Omnibus v01-10 (Digital) (danke-Empire)
    • Forest of Piano Omnibus v01 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire).cbz (747.5 MiB)
    • Forest of Piano Omnibus v02 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire).cbz (803.8 MiB)
    • Forest of Piano Omnibus v03 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire).cbz (819.9 MiB)
    • Forest of Piano Omnibus v04 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire).cbz (834.9 MiB)
    • Forest of Piano Omnibus v05 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire).cbz (821.2 MiB)
    • Forest of Piano Omnibus v06 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire).cbz (766.5 MiB)
    • Forest of Piano Omnibus v07 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire).cbz (855.9 MiB)
    • Forest of Piano Omnibus v08 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire).cbz (582.5 MiB)
    • Forest of Piano Omnibus v09 (2018) (Digital) (danke-Empire).cbz (671.2 MiB)
    • Forest of Piano Omnibus v10 (2019) (Digital) (danke-Empire).cbz (691.9 MiB)
hmmmm ... this series looks like it might be interesting ... thank you ... it ways it looks like a blending of Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie In April) Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso ... and a history of Beethoven ...both of whom are shown as incredible pianists, who's lives are laced with tragedy ... and the history of Beethoven, who was a renowned pianist, until he started going deaf and the rock opera done about his death ... by TSO (Trans-Siberian Orchestra) ... which has some incredible music, and very well worth looking for a copy of it

VON-Encodes (uploader)

**@Komugi** Please learn Markdown! Every time I see the presentation of your comments it makes me cry a little (no offence)
Thanks for uploading it here on Nyaa!
@ Von-Encodes ... no offense taken :-) ... gomen ... I never liked html, because all it ever was, was a cut down version of the much earlier programming language "Basic" ... I never liked Basic, it was a computer language that encouraged very bad programming techniques/habits ... and that was one of the reasons I disliked it ... I always preferred the "structured" programming languages like "C" ... I will admit though, that I have not done any serious amount of programming sine the early 1980's
komugi, you make no sense. Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso manga started in 2011, while Piano no Mori in 1998. Beethoven is famous as a great composer in the first place. And this manga is about pianists. Beethoven's biography has little in common with Kai's. There is no point of mentioning Beethoven here - there were other great composers who were initially child prodigies. Mozart is a good example.
@ Ryuuneko ... ok, so I was not aware of when Piano no Mori and Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso came out ... I saw the anime for Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso a few years ago (I have not seen the live action movie they did of it), and have since then read the manga for it ... this is the first time I have seen anything for Piano no Mori as for my bringing up Beethoven, and Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso ... I DID say that in both cases, the pianist's lives had tragedies in them ... Kai lost his obsessive domineering mother (and to him his reason for playing the piano, and his resulting deafness when playing the piano) ... and Beethoven who was very widely know as a virtuoso PIANIST, and a composer, as he got older went deaf ... yes, absolutely no argument, Mozart was a brilliant musician that started as a child prodigy ... but Mozart's live was not marked by a major tragic event like going deaf ... in his day he was one of THE top composers in the world of his day (and even since then) based on the description I read about this series, it is about pianists who at least two of them had significant tragedies in their lives ... so what part of my mentioning Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso and my mentioning Beethoven does not make sense ?
>Mozart’s live was not marked by a major tragic event like going deaf Mozart has accumulated many minor tragic circumstances in his life. Most prominent was his gambling habit, which routinely left him almost penniless until his next concert, the pay for which at some point [became not enough to cover all his gambling debts]( Couple this with a lack of steady employment and you'll immediately see that his financial situation was at times, if not always, rather dire. Mozart also wasn't as healthy as one would imagine: he suffered from chronic rheumatic fever, which greatly undermined his health, so he was prone to [catching illnesses](, ranging from common colds to syphilis, a common disease in his time, which dealt a heavy blow to his immune system. A scientific paper even speculates he might've had a case of [Tourette's](
Hey XRA9!! I'm trying to get a hold of you. How to message you from Discord? I want to ask about the Empire stuff!
Join a server I'm in, Mangadex is a good start. Then look for XRA.
IIRC these 10 omnibus cover the first 16 volumes or so. We'd need ~6 more of these to complete it. @komugi that didn't happen to Kai, you are probably talking about Arima Kousei, right?
THANK YOU SO MUCH <3 One of my favs~
@ lucascba93 ... you are correct :-) ... the bunch of us who started arguing all knew who we were talking about even though the names used was not correct
v01-10: MEGA [v01](!77wCVYDb!UgbK-5U9a15EQ04rMQL0yW48nAzWV4TbEnS0_qtbMY8) [v02](!irhyHaoK!palpcXZm2pWzGgF78wXC3E_1gdZ3SPgaDtEdwKsQFes) [v03](!jvpmBQiL!4VMt7j9_eBzZjresbDVWxD1ZOcbC1yfPKnrUaYJjBQc) [v04](!fvoE1YrQ!xIVqY_OzfNUTsXLDgSUr0HfE_3KRVGXhGDhZfBT5LOI) [v05](!eywkCarT!dedvmeOt0HjxTDCP2QHDgmiGt-o58hgyKYyqWUyY7C8) [v06](!jywCgYwa!4ZuJGXc2PL8CagmIB5e-oNk4u8wG0AuQcp-LGI3JZzg) [v07](!qmpmCayC!Xttb8lcO7KtZfqht8rkte0913KkZLQ1hcuVFLNsnQAM) [v08](!GiZwEAgT!LartM2Q8TYUg-OPtGoOoiUFJp5C3tYIzsaRi511yeY4) [v09](!b6B1WIpZ!qM-BMCVZ4tI10yMtP1Oy58Thc0PuQLXRHxbkJ_pzFog) [v10](!KqAlnYqC!ZYIaVCFwb6qev7neNaGuHQLm6dG1RXECC2gtXIH-9j0)
could you please reupload volume 10