This is a remux of LittleBakas! restoration of Houseki no Kuni. The source Blu-rays’ terrible aliasing is gone, without the issues caused by brute-force anti-aliasing This blows away every other effort.
Since they put keyframes on chapter marks and I already had my old release done with ordered chapters I was able to rather easily convert this one to full ordered chapters too. (it still took around 90 minutes)
Comments - 30
LittleBakas mentioned “naobu” in the description, do you know what that is? Anyway, the characters look like very sharp 3D models now, so… hooray? If this effort “blows everything else away” then we should just be applying sharpening (in the form of neural network resizing, presumably) to every single anime.
They actually reintroduced some aliasing. Look at the edge of the shorts of the character on the left in the first comparison.
To be nitpicky, “reintroduced” isn’t the right word since this is a comparison to Beatrice (the reigning best encode) and not the source.
EDIT: Okay, I see what you’re saying.
Yes, but the description says the aliasing was removed by the encode, so that leads me to believe that part does not have aliasing in the source.
sweet jesus that ringing in comparison #3
kuchikirukia (uploader)
What ringing? There’s ringing in the source which Beatrice did not make substantially worse. LittleBakas has practically none.
I hope you’re not confusing resolution for ringing.
Thanks! So many versions.
@motbob and @herkz Kametsu logic scrambled your brains. Kuchikirukia already explained everything. What is there left to discuss? Get better monitors and this release will look flawless.
Kametsu logic? What does that even mean?
luv 2 sharpen my annie mays
If I got a “better” monitor would I be able to translate your comment to English?
This video is an oversharpened mess and features aliasing introduced by the bad filtering despite the claims of the remuxer. Not sure how you could honestly see absolutely everybody in the comments agreeing, yet blindly believe the opposite.
kuchikirukia (uploader)
Herkz is the only one complaining, and there’s a reason nobody has ever asked Commie for encoding advice.
ChaoXide, Kametsu scrambled your brains real good! You Kametsu remnants still stalk Kuchikirukia all the time. Should I translate your american english to understand what you say?
Did you miss the very first comment on this torrent somehow?
Not very update to date on your fansubber lore, huh? I actually think the Kametsu people were pretty dumb and bad.
the screenshots motbob posted make littlebakas look better imo.
well i generally agree oversharpening sucks for 2d anime, for 3d anime i think it looks alright.
kuchikirukia (uploader)
Herkz, fuck off. You’re too dumb to know how dumb you are and it’s just embarrassing to watch.
Kuchikirukia, tell him what he deserves, but try to keep down on the swearing. I don’t want you getting banned from here. By the way that comment was epic! Encore: “Herkz, **** off. You’re too dumb to know how dumb you are and it’s just embarrassing to watch.”
nice meme
FrostbiteStardust, fuck off. You’re too dumb to know how dumb you are and it’s just embarrassing to watch.
Other than the cancerous drama, this looks great!Thanks for releasing!
@TGminer It’s the Kametsu shits that make drama in the first place.
@FrostbiteStardust I mean, you started the drama. They were just stating what they saw. There’s no need to be rude to everyone you see.
@motbob @herkz | Duude, this looks at least 10 time better than Beatrice… =))
does this upload have very low frame rates?
what’s all this fuss about
Garbage framerate, hurts to watch, maybe thats cuz i’ve got 144 hz screen not sure
resolution and quality is good but srsly it feels so slow i can’t watch it
@osoi666 fuck are you talking about? hurts to watch your mum lol I’ve got 240hz display and I see no difference. Shut up you peasant.
Thanks for the remux, excellent work!
kuchikirukia (uploader)
There’s nothing wrong with the frame rate of this encode, but the added sharpness does seem to make it more evident that the models are generally 12fps. You can really follow every. Single. Frame.
I’ve unhidden my old encode for anyone who finds this distracting. It seems to flow better.
The only upside of this release is that screenshots look nice.
Downside is crappy, cheap looking anime.
All the sharpening filter did was removing all soft and pleasant light effects overcoming them with almost flash-like sharp edges. “Smart” sharpen is obviously not smart enough so it kicks in when it wants (for example, 1st episode 14:14 mark) (so every time a character goes into/out of the camera, it happens often in this anime) or whenever CGI grass appears. All you need is comparing first 3 minutes to the BeatriceRaws.
I’ve seen all HnK releases to find best one, this is clearly not it. Disregarding the 60fps abomination (lol) this is the worst one so far.