[GSK_kun] Fire Force - 01 (WEB Dual Audio 1080p Hi10 AAC)

2019-07-09 12:49
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File size:
1.4 GiB
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Video: SCY
Subs: Erai raws


I really thought this was an excellent show, animations were beautiful. I saw the SCY encode and it was just fantastic but it didn’t contain any subs so I thought I might try to provide them with polished subs.
Removed those ridiculous – and positioned the dialogue appropriately. Made sure dialogue didn’t overlap the signs. Fixed 1 frame issue that Erai raw left. Restyled and TSed them.
Neither SCY or me has any interest in doing this. I just thought I might give the sub for good encode.

File list

  • [GSK_kun] Fire Force - 01 (WEB 1080p Hi10 AAC) [90E73346].mkv (1.4 GiB)

“Neither SCY or me has any interest in doing this”

That means you’re not gonna continue?

Thanks for doing this. Scyrous’ encode was undoubtedly a dream to look at, and I’d simply muxed HS subs into it. But I appreciate you going the extra mile for all the TS and fixes.

gsk_ (uploader)


@Marmotzel yes I am not doing it but if scy decides to encode I will too

Scyrous is encoding this for LostYears who is working on fansubs for the whole show.

gsk_ (uploader)


Lostyears doesn’t do anything unless a subbing group does this as far I know no subbing group has taken this.

LostYears has plenty of shows they did their own original subtitle work on and this series will be one of them as previously stated.

gsk_ (uploader)


That’s strange, I frequently visit their new forum nanda.to, they said no plans this season. If you don’t mind can you give where you got this info?

LostYears team has no involvement with the creation of Nandato. They’re simply members of the forum since it was created when Kametsu removed their download section and as far as I’m aware no one ever said there wasn’t any plans. What might’ve been said is that it was still unknown as plans don’t really get made until certain things align. The decision to do Fire Force only came about like the day before yesterday as far as I’m aware. Should be out soon.

@gsk_ neko-raws picked up the show. I hope you continue doing it.

gsk_ (uploader)


No, lostyears are doing it

So are you continuing with another release since SCY has confirmed that he plans to provide LostYears with his encode every week? I hope you do, I like the way you did the subtitles.

gsk_ (uploader)


You answered your own question, since lostyears is doing this there is no reason to continue and it’s going to be far more superior version than mine since it will have TLC and kfx. And I am doing rather another big project, I am sure people will like it.

Where are the LostYears releases for this though? I don’t see the first or second episode listed on their Nyaa account’s uploads.

gsk_ (uploader)


They haven’t. They are working on it. SCY already encoded it. Should come out eventually.

Oh, okay I see. I thought they were doing weekly releases of each episode as they air. No worries, thanks for your works.

gsk_ (uploader)


Yes they are. They waiting for kfx guy. It will be a weekly release