Did you know Takahata's '79 classic Akage no Anne had an English dub? Yes, indeed - a South African production that apparently only aired in the Philippines and, decades later, Japan. And it is a great dub - in my opinion considerably better than the original, and I would only say that about perhaps one or two other anime in existence. So what better way to celebrate Anne's 40th anne-ime anne-iversary than downloading my release!

~ Nerd Corner ~
Welcome to Erik's one-episode Anne release. This was a doozy, and mostly a proof-of-concept since I do not have the time to do 50 episodes of this, unfortunately. Dealing with the 23.976 -> 25 FPS nonsense was bad enough, but framerate conversion alone wasn't enough to sync everything up properly since the dubbing company had (wisely) shaved several frames off of the start of some scenes to better match the voices with lip movement. Unfortunately, these two things make a dual-audio release a pipe dream. Encoding novice that I am, I gave up on the prospect of editing these transition frames with a CLI program and just (reluctantly) chucked it in Premiere to cut up manually. This resulted in the encode having some minor visual artifacting. But with the excellent English dub and great BD quality, I still think this is the best way to watch the first episode of Anne.
And if you think you can do better - PLEASE DO - I would love nothing more than to see all 50 episodes in English, BD quality, sitting in a torrent for me to download tomorrow.
Additionally, I had some fun retranslating the wonderful OP song upon seeing Silver-Zero's rather drab lyrics (see pictures). I made the syllables line up such that you can sing along to the original song with the English lyrics! That's something I always love to do with song translations.
Odds and ends:
1. This is not a remake, it is encoded from the BDMV.
2. I changed the karaoke style to not have borders in order to match the original text better.
3. Silver-Zero didn't bother translating the ED so I didn't either, though I would if I were ever to do a full series release.
4. Perhaps you already noticed, but the CRC is 79DECADE, to commemorate 4 decades since the original '79 airing of Akage no Anne.
5. If you are interested in taking up the mantle of making an English BD release and want some idea of where to start, please post in the comments.
Read more about the fascinating history of this dub at the following links:
Comments - 12
MeAKAErik (uploader)
MeAKAErik (uploader)
MeAKAErik (uploader)