BDs Eventually™
No patches because we can't be assed. [Here's](!tGwQQaYJ!bWIW_jKCHm971Pd5m9kYhRv48VdF1IFG-_oIrOMYBSA) a .zip containing all the batch scripts though.
Next up is probably Starlight BD Vol.1.
XDCC at some point but not today
MPV is the only player we support. No support will be given for any other player. If something else happens to work, great. If it doesn’t, it’s not our problem.
[email protected]
Recruiting competent translators to save more anime. Contact KoolKidsK on IRC or KoolKidsK#8146 on discord if interested.
TL: Myaamori
Time: Pikminiman, KoolKidsK
Song Styling: Colgatto
TS: N4O, KooKidsK
Edit: Pikminiman
Encode: KoolKidsK
QC: Pikminiman, KoolKidsK
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