[Orphan] Boyfriend OVA (LD)

2019-05-17 21:05 UTC
File size:
950.5 MiB
Info hash:
The 1992 OVA/TV special *Boyfriend* had a complicated release history. It was released as a 110-minute OVA on two VHS tapes or one laserdisc. It was also released as an abridged, 94-minute TV special, on one VHS tape. TOVA-1117 - TV special version 94 minutes (VHS) TOVA-1118 - OVA first half "The Encounter" 59 minutes (VHS) TOVA-1119 - OVA second half "The Promise" 51 minutes (VHS) TOLA-1131 - OVA first and second half, 110 minutes (laserdisc) Orphan's original release used the abridged TV version, as encoded from VHS tape by ARR. After a long delay, our intrepid raw provider was able to buy and rip the laserdisc version with the Domesday Duplicator. Erik of Piyo Piyo Productions created encodes from that. Accordingly, we're rereleasing *Boyfriend*, now a two-part OVA: *The Encounter* and *The Promise*. For more information, see [the blog entry](https://collectr.blogspot.com/2019/05/boyfriend-ova.html). If you've downloaded the previous version, you'll want this one for its significantly better video and audio. There's no need to keep the old version; this one is a proper superset in terms of content. All Orphan releases are available from IRC bot Orphan|Arutha in channels #nibl or #news on irc.rizon.net.

File list

  • [Orphan] Boyfriend OVA (LD)
    • [Orphan] Boyfriend - The Encounter (LD) [CB708A48].mkv (505.0 MiB)
    • [Orphan] Boyfriend - The Promise (LD) [94874ED0].mkv (445.6 MiB)
Whoa I didn't know they made a series about my AU self.
I thought this was That Gay Shit but good thing it's not
Lol same. Seems this is different. Thanks!