Video source: xiaomeng
Sub source: K2In Otaku Restyled, Retimed, Typesetted, Edited.
Sub Language: English
Chapters: Yes
Yep that’s yellow BLOOD! Creative way to censor!
Previews aren’t subbed due to lack of consistency. I thank FAR for Opening lyrics. Ending lyrics are kinda google translate so pardon any errors! If someone gives better translation I would appreciate it.
Please consider seeding at least with a ratio of 1. Feel free to leave your comments, Thank you.
Comments - 9
Thanks for the hard work
As before, I’ve made a patch to generate this from the upstream raws.
Thank you
Any news on the next release?
Thanks for your hard work, anybody is waiting for your next release!!!
gsk_ (uploader)
Sorry about being late. I am working on it. Was busy doing SYD TS.
Rewatching this series currently - this episode is the first where quite a few lines are translated very obviously badly, some looking as if they’re straight from machine translation without proper proofing. It’s particularly unfortunate since this episode starts to explain some of the (not at all obvious) political relationships of the characters - I had to watch E04+E05 twice to understand who was betraying whom.
I hope there’s a full checking process before any final series Batch releases - and I’d be more than happy to help out. In the meantime, if I can work out how to extract the subs in plaintext .srt form, I’ll go over the episodes again and make some of my own notes on what might be good to change. Maybe this weekend.