NHKスペシャル スペース・スペクタクル プロローグ「はやぶさ2の挑戦」

2019-03-17 18:56
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296.9 MiB
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NHKスペシャル スペース・スペクタクル プロローグ「はやぶさ2の挑戦」
[総合] 2019年3月17日(日) 午後9:00~午後9:50(50分)
櫻井翔が宇宙へナビゲート! はやぶさ2が人類未踏の小惑星に初着陸。快挙の舞台裏とは? 不可能を可能に!日本の宇宙技術の大挑戦。伝説の探査機の新たな冒険が今始まる。

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File list

  • NHKスペシャル スペース・スペクタクル プロローグ「はやぶさ2の挑戦」.mp4 (296.9 MiB)

theoadam (uploader)


It seems jptv is uploading the same programs as I do. I may discontinue my uploads.

Sorry about that, I don’t mean to intentionally upload the same stuff. I just happened to capture some things that interest me (anything related to the Fukushima accident, and space exploration), and thought to share them.

Please be assured, that uploads by both of you are very much appreciated!

@theoadam, Your uploads and jpv’s uploads are different. jptv’s streams are HD and they include close captioning (subtitles), which make comprehension much easier to non-native speakers. However, because jptv has to reencode to .mkv, by necessity they release slower then you do and release only one or two documentaries a week.

So I don’t think that there is competition between the two of you. Please continue uploading what you do, since you upload a wide variety of documentaries not available elsewhere.

BTW, is there any way for you to include .srt files with close captions corresponding to the documentaries that you upload (Similar to how, for example Henrietta R. Hippo does with some Japanese dramas that they upload)?

@jptv, thank you for your uploads for aforementioned reasons (HD and close captions). Please continue uploading what you do, since documentaries you upload are very helpful in assisting in learning Japanese.

And once again, big thank you to both of you!

If you are concerned about duplication of labor, perhaps the two of you could cooperate and amongst the two of you decide who will release what?