Encoder: LightArrowsEXE
Subtitles will be uploaded to this google drive folder as they are created. Don’t expect them too soon, but it’s a nice extra to have regardless. If you are interested in translating them, please contact us.
US BDs were used for the video due to a coloring issue with the JP BDs, which resulted in heavy detail-loss in darker areas. The US BDs were not without fault either however, as they had a lot of combing and frameblending leftover from a bad deinterlacing job and overall appeared a bit starved in some scenes. Audio was taken from the JP BDs because the US BD’s audio was lossy vs. JP BD’s which were lossless. They were re-encoded with QAAC -v 127 for this release.
Filtering includes: upscaling, dehaloing, sharpening, debanding and selective graining. Priority was put on not damaging the detail too much whenever possible, however sacrifices had to be made in certain cases. To fix some of the leftover combing nnedi3 was used, with waifu2x ontop to try and make it appear at least a tad bit better. Frameblends are fixed whenever possible, however this couldn’t be accomplished during fades. Scripts are available here.
Full (subbed) show is currently in the works. Also yes, so is Shield Hero.
We’re recruiting talented translators, typesetters, and timers! Contact LightArrowsEXE#0476 on Discord if you are interested.
Check out our Discord server! If you have playback issues, use mpv.
Comments - 14
Thank you.!!!
Thank you for the release. Was OP6v2 not included in the BDs?
Kaleido-subs (uploader)
@SasugaAinzsama As far as I can see, it was not.
Thank you
thank you
please fix die link subtitles
Kaleido-subs (uploader)
The link has been updated.
What! I had no idea there was a US BD, I have the JP BD but I guess it’s trash, I did noticed something odd with the colors and now I’ve confirmed it with this.
Do the US BDs come deinterlaced? …wouldn’t it be easier to just fix the color issue in the JPBDs than to deal with the bad deinterlacing present in the USBDs?
@jakecr The US BDs are deinterlaced (very badly, however). The color issue in the JP BDs simply cannot be fixed, as the overblown contrast has killed all detail in the luma. Best you can do is take the audio and slap it onto the US BDs.
Are you guys going to upscale the whole show? since the US BDs are in 480p (for a good reason) I think upscaling wouldn’t make any sense here, that is ofc just my two cents.
I just hope someone uploads the BDMVs as having the episodes with the biggest bitrate possible is what makes this BD release appealing, and… so I can delete that 1TB of the Japanese BDs.
Show’s natie 480p, but the general artstyle and coloring make it a nice test case for upscaling (within reason). For now this project is on-hold due to everyone but me being busy with other projects, but I’ve encoded 5 episodes in 720p already.
err, native 480i*
Could you upload those 5 episodes?
And now, my Shounen OP folder is complete. Thanks, dude.