## Dragon Ball Super Part 6 (Funimation Blu-ray) [Dual Audio Release] ##
### **Main Credits** ###
### BDMV: ADC (Thanks to a friend passing it along) ###
### Encode: KaiDubs ###
### Chapters: KaiDubs
### **Subtitles Tracks** ###
1. Songs & Signs (Dub) by KaiDubs
2. Closed Captions (Dub) from CRiMSON [rartv] weekly HDTV releases, Synced by KaiDubs (Preview Subs snipped from Funimation Service/Synced by KaiDubs)
3. Crunchyroll (RH) by [RickyHorror](https://nyaa.si/view/1019255), Typesetted by KaiDubs to match above subtitles for uniformity. Also Opening & Ending subtitles have been replaced with fansubs.
4. Simmons (Blu-ray Subs) by [Steven J. Simmons](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=7872 "Anime News Network Profile")
5. Signs (Blu-ray Subs) by [Steven J. Simmons](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=7872 "Anime News Network Profile")
(Only Episodes 53,63,64 have Track 3 here. Remainder didn't have any signs and thus the track was empty. So I did not include it, just a wasted track slot.)
#### **Japanese Opening/Ending Subtitles** ####
* Opening 1 (Chōzetsu Dynamic!, 1-76) by [KamiFS](https://nyaa.si/user/KamiFansubs "KamiFS on Nyaa")
* Ending 6 (Chao Han Music, 60-72) by [OGG](https://oggf.wordpress.com/ "OGG's Wordpress Blog"), K-Timed by KaiDubs
* Ending 7 (An Evil Angel and an Righteous Devil, 73-78) by [OGG](https://oggf.wordpress.com/ "OGG's Wordpress Blog"), Typesetted and KFX by KaiDubs
#### **English Opening/Ending Subtitles** ####
* Opening 1 (Chōzetsu Dynamic!, 1-76) by KaiDubs
* Opening 2 (Limit-Break x Survivor, 77-78) by [OGG](https://oggf.wordpress.com/ "OGG's Wordpress Blog"), Typesetted and KFX by KaiDubs
* Ending 6 (Chao Han Music, 60-72) by KaiDubs, Typeset copied from OGG
* Ending 7 (An Evil Angel and an Righteous Devil, 73-78) by KaiDubs
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