先人たちの底力 知恵泉(ちえいず)「インスタントラーメンの父 安藤百福」
[Eテレ] 2018年10月2日(火) 午後10:00~午後10:45(45分)
Comments - 3
Do you have Tokyo Eye documentary few eps uploaded on nyaa?
If so could you please upload them?
あのお、【東京アイ】ドキュメンタリー がありますか? 衛兵入力してくれさい!!!
theoadam (uploader)
I uploaded one. I believe this is the program you are talking about.
In the future, please don’t make a request to upload more programs. It has reached the point that most of the programs I upload are the ones I don’t watch. This is not fun.
yeah I agree with @theoadam Tokyo Eye is one of worst program I have ever seen.