[sxrp] Back Street Girls - Gokudolls - 09

2018-09-01 12:17
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  • [sxrp] Back Street Girls - Gokudolls - 09.mkv (409.6 MiB)

I like this anime so much

Dialogue: 0,0:18:07.64,0:18:16.31,Default,0,0,0,If you are working, it’s obvious that you will sweat! F*ck, think a little about how men feel! We used to…!

You had ONE JOB, to translate “chinkazu” into “dick cheese” and you still fail at that.

And also: Dialogue: 0,0:02:28.04,0:02:31.04,Default,0,0,0,Boss! The store child was pulled out again!

“store child” is supposed to be “hostess”


WOW lmfao imagine being so butthurt about an english translation of a chinese trans-positive cartoon that you come onto obscure internet forums to correct it
most embarrassing thing I’ve seen all day lol

Imagine have standards so low that you would enjoy guesslations.

Imagine having standards so low that you wouldn’t check your spelling.
Also it’s chinkasu ( チンカス )

Cool, bro. Enjoy your subs.

[edited]hahaha wow imagine responding three times beacuse you’re so irate about a fr***ing cartoon
you’re parnets must be real proud of you, champ

Trash-subber defending ANY huge mistakes of other subbers, nothing new about that.
But unlike you, @avron2, other people are trying to admit their mistakes. And, please, just live alone in delusions with @HaiHaiKazumades without forcing a low quality on others as something normal, it is not.

You must be delusional if you think anyone is ‘forcing’ these subs on anyone.

@Saint347 Forcing? His work is out there for anyone who would like to watch it. Don’t like it? Stop downloading it already, lmao, you can learn japanese, try other anime sites or pay someone to sub it. You both sound as tards as the idiots who talk about how shit an anime is and say that they’re going to drop it every fucking week.

@TheBerzerker W-T-F is wrong with you? Read? I clearly like this anime and this subber.
In previous episodes, after someone’s corrections, [sxrp] even decided to make changes to improve, with re-uploading, because he was guessing that part without tries to translate.
And here, lolwut made a small correction while being nice. And then, a subber on a whole deeper level of trashiness, @avron2, comes and forces his ideology that no matter how bad something is, everything is good, with ideology in which any critique is “butthurt”. That’s the force I was talking about-pyon.

I implore you to consider the emotional impact your words have on other before you hit that submit button. Your uncalled words full of vitriol hurt like a snake’s bite. You might falsely believe that words over standard TCP/IP are just that, words over standard TCP/IP, but they’re not. Everything you say over standard TCP/IP hurts to the core, and strikes my emotions with torment and suffering. I know you think this is all a joke, but it’s not. You’ve gone too far this time, and I’m through with it. I’m sick of it, I’m done with it, and I want you to stop. Your bullying and harassment has gone too far, and you need to reconsider your actions.
Thank you and God bless.

Offering polite corrections for subs is fine. Complaining about free subs is bad. @lolwut was complaining like an entitled child

Wow, wonder what being mean would be like for you if you think @lolwot was being nice.

See, this is what happens when people complain. We don’t get the final episode.

Thanks for all, but PLEASE don´t forget the last episode.

PLEASE do the final episode.
Ignore twats like lolwut, everyone else likes and enjoys your subs.

Mistakes in translation are cool, it’s nice to know after watching so many show I finally can understand japanese. Lil whore who complained and made
the guy not do the last show needs a swift kick in the nuts or punch in solar plexus. I’ll be glad to do it if some one can track him down and give me travel expenses if needed :-)

??? what do I do with that code?

@oaso: what is that?

Just google the numbers, and then go to the 4chan link.

Lmao, not only you defend low standards but you’re also such an insufferable, fragile, snowflake faggot. Holy fuck.

Ewww, back to >>>/pol/ disgusting redditor

Are you also the kind that gets hurt by words? Do they also hurt like a “snake bite”? Hahaha.

@Zakjal Sorry /pol/tard-kun, did you say something? The only thing I could read was CUCKCUCKCUCKCUCKCUCKCUCKCUCKCUCKCUCK, since that’s the only other word those retarded redditors know.

At least try to make an argument, don’t be so boring. Did you ever wonder about how silly association of a single word like you are doing could be like?

Your argument is shit and wrong, I give a fuck about the usage of this language, it’s just that those words are what make that kind of people easier to spot. Also, why the hell would I even try to make an argument? I just want to show how much I detest the ones even 4chan hates.

“Your argument is shit and wrong” That’s not an argument.

Looks like you got hurt by some words in the past, to the point of having some kind of hostile pavlov response to them, lol. What happened? Did you get into too many fights with people who use that word? Bad experience association is a very common psychological phenomenon. Well, since you’re only reacting to that and not someone like our bubble-raised buddy arvon2 up there, probably shows where you tend to lean towards. I don’t even browse 4chan or reddit, just so you know. it’s like you are just flailing around like some rabid animal. Well, have fun being… upset? I guess.

"That’s not an argument"
Uh, seems like you didn’t read this part “why the hell would I even try to make an argument?”
"Looks like you got hurt by some words in the past"
Again missing the point, lmao. Look boi, I’m talking shit to you because of the place where the word came from, not because of some retarded words you use because you think they sound cool. If they used any other random word like ‘poop’ I’d had done the same.And of course I’m having fun, please don’t make it stop…

The paragraph above was going to be my reply but enough of this, lmao. Looks like indeed you don’t browse 4chan, I thought you did since you were the one who uploaded the episode subbed by some /a/non. Look, sending people to /pol/ when they say some retarded shit and add cuck or snowflake, it’s kinda like an internal joke or a custom to send them back to /pol/, I thought you would try to deny from the start that you come from that board or denigrate me trying to guess which was my main board or nationality, but this way was fun too.

everyone who commented here is gay