ブラタモリ「#107 伊豆・下田」 2018年6月2日(土) 午後7時30分(45分)
theoadam (uploader)
As I wrote several times, my bandwidth is extremely limited. I found out that just by downloading the original files, I use up most of my bandwidth.
When I have the bandwidth to spare, I can upload. But no promises.
Thank you for uploading!! But it seems the file only have 14 minutes
That’s why the file as so small. I’ll upload a good file.
Comments - 3
theoadam (uploader)
As I wrote several times, my bandwidth is extremely limited. I found out that just by downloading the original files, I use up most of my bandwidth.
When I have the bandwidth to spare, I can upload. But no promises.
Thank you for uploading!! But it seems the file only have 14 minutes
theoadam (uploader)
That’s why the file as so small.
I’ll upload a good file.