Video Track: 720p-Hi444pp | 1080p-Main10p (Commie | VCB-Studio)
Audio Track 1 (Default): English 2.0 AAC | FLAC (CTR)
Audio Track 2: Japanese 2.0 AAC | FLAC (Commie | VCB-Studio)
Subtitle Track 1 (Default): English Signs (.ASS) (Commie)
Subtitle Track 2: English Dialogue (.ASS) (Commie)
[CTR Release Index](https://nanda.to/topic/313-the-ctr-index-your-new-home-for-glorious-bloated-best-quality-dual-audio-releases/)
For more information, please visit the release thread or my index, located above at Nandato. Thanks!
**CTR Releases:** Collecting the best available sources around the internet and packing them up so you don't have to. CTR releases are __never re-encodes__ and __never ordered chapters__. My releases cater specifically to English audio viewers, though Japanese viewers are of course welcome. More details can be found on the individual release threads or at my index on Nandato.
the non-bloat version
on this one I didn't do the dub-matching for signs, as per the original requester. They wanted unmodified Commie signs.
If/when I ever get around to watching the show for real, you might see a v2 with dub-matched signs, otherwise anyone else is welcome to take this set and release their own mux with matches.
the dub uses completely different shogi terminology, so tons of stuff won't match. although some of the signs would probably be really hard to change so lol good luck either way.
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