Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Movie Hoshi o Yobu Shoujo [Legit not PORN not RAW you can ban me if not]

2018-01-31 13:39
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398.9 MiB
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  • Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Movie Hoshi o Yobu Shoujo.MP4 (398.9 MiB)

Do you have the separate sub file?

PS: Please seed.

tears of joy, I’m speechless

avarice (uploader)


this is just a rough sub you can find some error here and there but i do think that you’ll understand it…
if no one make a highres sub i will do it on sunday since i got work and i cant get paid by doing this will fix the errors too…
but i really hope that someone can sub it better than this…

avarice (uploader)


im seeding… its just my upload speed is not that great… sorry man

Thanks for the effort! Only true fans deserve watching this…

You could’ve uploaded the sub only. It’d be easier that way:
People can choose thier preferred raws and those who wanna edit it, have an easier time.

You could’ve uploaded the sub only. It’d be easier that way:
People can choose thier preferred raws and those who wanna edit it, have an easier time.


avarice (uploader)


its hardsub so you wont get it either way…

I would love to contribute if only I could get my hands on separate subs. :/

^ What’s wrong with that subs?

@RinAstrea It’s done by few people from otakustream. Most if it is quite ok. Just a few grammatical errors here and there and some lines just doesn’t make any sense (but you can make sense of it on your own).

@SpiegeLelouch - Okay thanks! Let’s see if there’s anyone could improve it or fix errors.

thx for this one big pixel

@avarice Will you just get over that damn is it porn thing of yours already?

Just wait for [Ryusei] to finished subbing it.

Is it 1080p or 720p, guys?!

Even ignoring the abysmal video quality the translation quality is unacceptable.

Example from 17:22

  • Miyuki and Tatsuya became the head of the block
  • Miki went to study magic class.
  • Miki … how are you feeling now?
  • Pardon me. Normal classes are not much different.

From SpiegeLelouch posted srt:

  • Mizuki and Tatsuya-kun are together in the Magical Engineering Department.
  • Miki became a bloom.
  • Hey Miki … what’s it feel like to be a bloom?
  • Give me a break please. Bloom and Weeds are not much any different.

This release managed to get the section name wrong (anyone having seen even the first episode of the anime should know about weeds and bloom) and even the character name wrong.
On top on not making any sense at all.
Wait for a better release.

@StrayBullet: 360p with heavy compression artifacts.

And in the end the movie was one big meh…

@SpiegeLelouch: srt looks great. Thank you!



I did download that porn before, 9/10

couldn’t care less about quality since I had a lot of time to enjoy the raw
and, well, I’m not against watching it once more with some better subs



@SpiegeLelouch, Thank you for sharing that here. As for those of you who are criticizing my work, @ChibiGoku thank you, that hurts! Please read below:

This translation is based on the source file provided by Yahiro on which is a Vietnamese translation converted to English by google translate, etc. This is just my personal attempt at improving the lines & dialogue from that sub.

As mentioned before on previous versions (v1.7 v2.4). First of all, I’m not Japanese, I don’t speak/write Japanese natively/fluently. This is merely my personal translation and I performed these edits based on the very basic level of understanding I have for watching English subbed anime for several years. In fact, this is my very first attempt on translation in general without actually having Japanese language skills.

The raw version has been out for a while now or so but we’ve yet to see a fansub group release a proper translation. So in the mean time, I’m just doing what I can to at least improve this translation based on my ability to understand the character’s expressions & dialogue.

Obviously this was never intended to be an official release. I mainly did this for myself so that I can watch it personally (with less cringe) WELL I also did it for my waifu Mayumi Saegusa ^_^ Though, I don’t mind sharing my work for those who want to use it. So I hope you enjoy it until an actual fansub group releases a fully translated version.

Gibberish out of the way, here is V3.1:

Progress update: v3.1 [603 of 948 lines] 65% (approx) 51min / 90 min

*Total number of lines increased to 948 from source of 932
*Fixed several timing issues
*Lines merged: 167/169, 450/452
*Lines added: 419, 426, 463, 467, 506, 507, 599

As always anyone is free to create their own improved version of the subs. If you’d like to provide any input on errors or changes please let me know and I’ll update them. Arigatou Mina-san ^_^

By AMG (animemanga gamer)



I really did this on purpose just you know…xD

Further proof this is a unofficial translation.

@AMG np mate, appreciate the hard work

that title though XD

In the end, using the help of AMG, we finished everything properly (I won’t really contest any small nuances that slipped under the radar, mostly because that’s a subjective matter here and make no big difference in the big picture)

I highly recommend the .ass file, since I have to place in certain spots some lines of dialogues.
I didn’t bother with translating any of the ending song whatsoever since everyone skips those every time (and there wasn’t anything in the meantime, so…)



@MrSerape, as much as I want to appreciate the work.
Both urls are 404.

lmao, because I ended up deleting the old versions as I was making corrections.